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Your Conservation Authority

Protecting life, property and watershed resources in partnership with the community.

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Aerial view of part of the region

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

A poster, with photo of child in snowsuit, promoting Oaks and Acorns in December.

Oaks and Acorns free for children on Dec. 13, 17

Oaks and Acorns, on December 13 and 17, 2024, is a a free, special, two-day program designed for children (ages 18 months to 4 years of age) and their caregiver.
The concept for new accessible trails in Parkhill.

Support Parkhill trail in 2024-2025

Consider a donation to new accessible trails in Parkhill.
During winter season choose conservation areas where there are maintained roads.

Notice re: properties with no winter maintenance

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) wishes to remind property users that several ABCA-owned properties are located on No Winter Maintenance roadways.
The logo for Footprints to Forests with a foot and a tree and the words Calculate, Donate, Plant.
Calculate. Donate. Plant.
Donate to local tree planting, through Footprints to Forests, to capture carbon. Calculate. Donate. Plant.

Discover, Explore and Connect logo for Friends of North Middlesex Trails.
Support Parkhill trail
Donate today to help create a new accessible trail loop in Parkhill.