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YouTube channel reaches Top Ten

A photo of Lake Huron with YouTube icon and request to subscribe.


Ausable Bayfield Conservation videos viewed more than 130,000 times
Members of public invited to subscribe to YouTube channel

Videos on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation YouTube channel and the conservation authority's Facebook page have received more than 130,000 views.

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) has reached in the Top Ten of conservation authorities in Ontario in terms of YouTube subscribers, thanks to public interest and support.

The local conservation authority has posted more than 120 videos since 2013. About a quarter of the videos are produced professionally and about three quarters of the videos have been produced by ABCA staff.

The conservation authority invites you to subscribe now to the YouTube channel so you see watch new videos as they are released.

Here are some of the top-performing videos on Ausable Bayfield Conservation's social media channels (not including videos related to the Conservation Dinner):

* Asterisk indicates video is produced professionally.

  1. Animated video, from Conservation Ontario, about drinking water source protection *
  2. Videos about Rock Glen Conservation Area
  3. Videos about Jones Bridge pedestrian bridge along the South Huron Trail
  4. Lake Huron water treatment in Goderich
  5. Protecting groundwater sources of drinking water (water treatment at Seaforth well)
  6. You can help to protect Pugnose Shiner species at risk *
  7. Snow surveys – Monitoring snowpack density and water equivalent for flood forecasting and warning
  8. Volunteers check wood duck boxes at Huronview Demonstration Farm
  9. Huron County Clean Water Project – 17 Project Categories in 17 Seconds
  10. Be Part of the Water Team
  11. Protecting drinking water sources near the Goderich intake
  12. Ten Reasons to Plant Trees
  13. Strapp Family Wetland
  14. Online Mapping Tools for Real Estate, Farming, and You – Drinking water source protection online mapping
  15. Building along the shoreline – What you need to know *
  16. Protecting Groundwater in Our Aquifers
  17. Fish Species of the Ausable River
  18. Ausable Bayfield Conservation 75th Anniversary
  19. Fish caught during live fishing event
  20. Rural Stormwater Management Model (RSWMM) Project – Main Bayfield Watershed
  21. Memory Lane – A slide show of Ausable Bayfield Conservation history
  22. Live fishing at Morrison Dam Conservation Area
  23. South Huron Trail Wildflowers
  24. Blue Bayfield and Stormwater Stroll
  25. Drinking water protection zone signs

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